Thursday, December 29, 2016

Nasim and Peugeot - A Promise? Improved Service Quality?

If you yet to know the beginning of the story, you may refer to the followings:

Christmas was over and most of you maybe in the middle of your vacation, but I am still waiting for my courtesy car and solutions to the rest of the problems in my Peugeot 408 Turbo. 

The first intention to publish this blog is to share my experience with a FB closed group of Peugeot 408 Owner. But then the person from Careline (Mrs Sharifah and Mr Hazizul) told me, many from Careline and some from the management read my blog. I was really surprise and I thought Nasim and Peugeot are really listen to customers, and start to improve. 

But good thing seldom last long. Right after the first problem (air con compressor and condenser) are resolved, the rest of the problems are dragged until today. I replied to Careline like this.

Improving service quality? I saw the spark but it did not create fire. I doubt the intention of the kind offer (the fast replacement, no charges and courtesy car). It is either
1. They really heard, care and help the customers, to build a good brand. Quoted from my previous post, a good brand is not only the products, but the good CRM (customer relations management). 
2. They only want to comfort an angry customer before his real fact gone viral. And they want to accomplish a task from management to pleasant the management. 

Which one is the real intention? Up to you to decide. 

After long waiting for the courtesy car, I realised something. The oil leaking issue is not under EWC, so I believe I got to pay for it (maybe thousands ringgit). Getting a courtesy car can save few up hundreds ringgit but I am going to wait until world ends. Might as well I go to rent a car just like what I did in the past 3.5 years. Car rental company works in split seconds to get me a car. Yes RM 106 daily for a 1300cc MyVi and the maximum I pay RM650 for a week, just for them to replace pre tensior and de-carbon process (this is bomb, cost me RM 2015). What else? 

I foresee I got to hook up more with the same car rental company for the next coming years (I still got 5 years to pay off the loan) because I don't think the car will not give problem to me in the coming days. 

To those who are reading my blog, I appreciated your support very much. I never ever thought I will write a blog. Anyhow I will keep every fact in my blog, not going to remove anything, because these are facts and my experience. I don't want to keep anything in dark. 

To Nasim/Peugeot management, yes you are trying to improve the customers' satisfaction and brand name, but something still not in the right way. I appreciate your attention to my case, but I don't think it can be resolved. 

At least I am not alone (I am not the only one has problems with this car model) and there are other owners as well. You can search Peugeot 408 Owner Club Malaysia in FB to join us to know more. 

Well, I am going to check with the Geot Auto service advisor. I made appointment at 9am an I reached 9:07am. Now is 10:40am, my car still not attended. Common thing for those who send car to service or repair. Why you need to make appointment at such early but still nobody attended to you? Only Nasim and service centres know. 

Updated by Dec 29, 4pm at Geo Auto PJ:
Service advisor came to me with a scary list to tell me the solutions for oil leaking and wired noise. Here are the items, but I yet to include the GST and labour. 
1. To solve the wired noise, here are the items to replace:
- Turbo damp valve, RM 535
- Vacuum hose, RM 343
- Air vent pipe, RM 143
Total is RM 1021 (before GST and labour). I decided to pay because they told me, turbo kit can jam anytime when situation is getting worse. 
2. To solve the oil leaking issue, I got to pay for these items: 
- valve cover, RM 937
- intake pipe, RM 625
- oil filter housing, RM 1070
- oil return hose, RM 727
Yes total is RM 3350 (before GST and labour). I put this on hold because they want me to leave car for 2 days. 

And I am strongly disagree with this. I complained since 80,000km service but no response from anyone. And now they want me to pay this amount right after the 3 years warranty. In fact, what can my disagreement help? Nothing as nobody care about it. 

With this amount of money, I can buy at least 10 packs of 4L of Petronas Synthium fully syn engine oil, which equivalent to 40L or 40000ml. If 1000km consumes 400ml, I can top up for 100 times. 
100 times x 1000km per times = 100,000km 

So save the money to buy engine oil to top up and car can run another 100,000km, which is 10 times maintenance service intervals, more or less another 2 years of driving.  

Now you see what I feel and do think twice before you decide. Refer to my previous posts, you better have all of these 4 elements before you decide
1. Extra money 
2. Leisure time 
3. Very good temper/patient
4. A never down spare car

Going to move to check my car and pay the bloody bill. 

Updated by Dec 29, 6pm 
Final bill - RM 2710.95
Break down
- maintenance service = RM 899.73
- repair the turbo issue (the engine noise) = RM 1503.82
- 5L engine oil as backup = RM 307.40

Details in photo below:

Did you feel my pain? I believe there are more to come in future. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Long Pending Issue in my Peugeot 408 Turbo- Motor Oil Leaking and Engine Noise

Before start to read the coming story, you are welcome to refer to the previous chapters by the web links below (If you yet to know them):

3.5 years with Peugeot 408 Turbo - The Car, Maintenance and Service Quality

Responses from The Management and Careline to my Peugeot 408 Turbo's cases

Well, I got my car back on 10/12/2016, 10:30 am with air con compressor (under extended warranty) and condenser (Nasim offers this as free) replaced. Of course I was happy not only because of the free condenser, but I saw improvement on the service quality

(I really thought it is until today.Why? Let's me tell you.)

Saturday, 10/12/2016: Mr Hazizul returned the car to me and told me, they will discuss internally and will arrange a courtesy car for me again. Because they want to check on my engine issues, which are 
a. Motor oil leaking
b. Wired noise everytime I shut down engine
Well, I was fine with that and went home.

Wednesday, 14/12/2016: Mr Hazizul called to inform they cannot arrange the courtesy car because that was a short week. Well, I can understand there were only 3 working days (14, 15 and 16/12) in that week, so I do not mind to wait until another week

Monday, 19/12/2016: I started to send email to Careline to ask and a few replies from Careline, all with the same reply "no courtesy car by this moment". What? Shall I believe in this? Yeah, believe or not, that is the reply. 

Friday, 23/12/2016: Mr Hazizul called me to inform they still cannot get the courtesy car. So got to check again by next week. Well, I got to cross my finger and pray hard for it. 

Well, my next maintenance service (110,000km) is on next Thursday, I already booked it at Geot Auto PJ. No matter how, I got to send it as scheduled. But I am sure I need to buy 1L or 2L motor oil as backup. The engine lossed 450mL motor oil every 1000 km

I really no idea why a 3.5 years old car have this problem. I never poured in a drop of motor oil into my Vios for every 10,000 km travelled (bought as new since 2009 and sold it during 2013 before 408 Turbo). But I started to do this to my 408 Turbo after the 80,000 km service (less than 3 years). How severe is the leaking? You can refer to my older blog mentioned in the first paragraph, or here are some recent photo:

And the very annoying noise when engine is shutting down. Click the video below to see. Do advise me if you know the reason. 
Peugeot 408T - Annoying noise when engine is shutting down

Why is it so difficult to arrange a courtesy car? Let me guess. hmm....I guess it was due to the Ratio of Courtesy cars versus Complaints. Service Centre always confident with their engineers and believe they can fix all incoming cars within the same day, without getting customers to leave their cars at centres. So they are not prepare "many" courtesy cars. 

From my experience, as long as I made a complaint and require to repair, I always heard this from the service advsior "Sir, you got to leave your car one or two days, so we can check." See, "check" takes "one or two days", but yet to "repair". So most of times, I got to bargain with them until 
1 - I left car to them on morning to check and I pick it up by evening, then tomorrow morning I come again. Repeat until they solve the problem.
2 - Received the courtesy car, but I only got it 3 times within 3.5 years. Am I lucky enough? I guess I am because many owners never get courtesy cars. 
3 - I spent to rent a car and leave my car to them. Well this is the most common outcome, as you can find in my previous blog. I am expert to rent a car. Even the car renting company give me offer...Hey, shall I proud of this? A Peugeot owner rent a MyVi? Why? Because my Peugeot broke down...

Back to the topic. And now suddenly there are lots of complaints and all centres gave all courtesy cars that they have to customers. But what is the "sudden issues", which causes courtesy cars "suddenly run out of stock"? God knows. 

Looking into the phenomenon of courtesy cars, if Nasim/Service Centre really plans the quantities well, but still insufficient, then could be another reason. The quantities of complaints are more than they predicted and some re-visit work got to be done. 

I can understand getting more courtesy cars ready means higher cost. But if the repair/fixes can be done within the same day, I believe most of the owners do not want the courtesy cars. Is there alternatives? I would suggest:
1 - Used or older models of Peugeot cars. We all know the price to get a used Peugeot is not high, especially those old models like 206, 207. Buy and make the old Peugeot works then use it as courtesy cars. 
2 - Liaises with car rental company to get better rate. I paid RM 106 (RM 6 as GST) per day to rent a MyVi 1300 cc. Why don't Nasim/Service Center contacted the nearby companies and deal with them, so they can send over the car to SC to the customers? And customer can pay lower price for the same car. When the car is done, customer can drive the rent car to SC and that company can pick it up from center, or even arrange for the next customers. 

These are only my 2 cents opinion. No matter how, I got to wait until next week. 

Friday, December 09, 2016

Responses from The Management and Careline to my Peugeot 408 Turbo's cases


For those missed the previous story, click Previous Story

Yesterday, there was a call from Mrs Sharifah (Careline manager from Peugeot Glenmarie, HQ) to discuss about the problems in my car and the solutions.

1. Air con compressor - According to SOP, Careline orders centres to replace the item when it is confirm faulty and the service records are valid (means you never miss or extend service intervals, in my case, my service mileage are all under 10,000 km, which is consider pretty good) even insurance yet to finalise. 

Ya I agreed with this. Careline or centres can deal with the insurance company for the money claims. 

And Careline offers the replacement of condenser as free for my case. Previously I got to pay RM 900 (price before GST and labour) for this item. But Careline did me a good will. I appreciated that. 

Further, Mrs Sharifah arranged me to send in my car this morning into Glenmarie centre to proceed with the job. The replacements of both items can be done within the same day, but they provided a replacement car (Peugeot 2008) so I can back to Puchong office to work. I shall return the car tomorrow while I collect my car. 

2. The oil leaking issue - Mrs Sharifah will continue to discuss with technical department to sort out more details. I understand any leaking is not covered under the extended warranty, but again I raised this issue since my 80,000 km, 90,000km and 100,000km service (my 3-years warranty expired after the 100,000 km, 27/5/2016) to the service advisors, but none of them took my words. During the de-carbon process (cost me RM 2015, price after GST), the technician/engineers shall spotted the marking of oil stain since it is so obvious. So it is not my fault, and I hope Mrs Sharifah and the technical department can consider this as warranty claim. But I got to wait the final confirmation from them. 

3. The wired noise after engine off - The technician/engineers will looking this while they work on the oil leaking issue. 

Well, again thanks for Mrs Sharifah and Careline team members. And I am really appreciate Peugeot/Nasim management to put their effort to listen to customers. 

I wish Peugeot/Nasim/Careline can keep this up. It is not only to give peace of mind to all Peugeot owners, but to make them feel proud to own a Peugeot

A good brand is not only about the good products, but the good relation between principal and customers. 

To continue reading the upcoming story, click Next Story

Henry Pang

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

3.5 years with Peugeot 408 Turbo - The Car, Maintenance and Service Quality

Before read:
1. My grammar is not Copywriter grade, so forgive me in case of grammar mistakes detected.
2. This post is my experience and I am not saying everything will happen at you as well. 

Updated story on 9/12/2016:
A call from Mrs Sharifah (the manager of Peugeot Careline) yesterday and I was told the the Peugeot management and PCM members read my story (posted on 5/12/2016). 

Thank you to spend time to read my blog. Peugeot Careline is looking into my cases (the compressor, condenser, oil leaking and wired engine sound). I will continue to update the progress until everything is settle down. 

To read about the progess >> Click Updated Story

This time, I am impressed by Careline and the Peugeot/Nasim management, who are really willing to know about their customers, as well as their experience with Peugeot cars. I understand they are trying their best to assist car owners like me to iron all unexpected issues. 

And thank you to Peugeot 408 Owner Club members (the FB group for Peugeot 408 owner). Thanks for your concern and advise. And I will response to your comments in the FB groups, in case any. 

You may find the history below:

The History (written on 5/12/2016):
This was the photo taken 3.5 years ago, 2nd day I received my car. Nice and sexy looking car, and I was so proud to own it. My friends, colleagues and relatives were trying to advice me not to buy this brand, but I was so ego to take up the challenge. I thought everything was under my control and plan. Well, things sometimes happen in different way. I could not remember exact date of all incidents, so I rather to put the timeline by quarter and year, for example I received the car by end of Q2 2013 (27/5/2013). 

My car came with free 100,000km/3years free service. So I do not need to pay for labour and parts/oils during services. And I followed mileage very closely, never ever extend mileage. 

OK, what else, let review my experience for the pass 3 years with Peugeot 408 Turbo.


Q2, 2013 - Car received in perfect condition. Handling, best in class; Power, best in class. Chassis is hard, together with the Continental MC 5 tyres, too bumpy, but power-driven driver likes it. 

Q3, 2013 - The first thing down, the Yokohama battery. I remembered the mileage is around 14,000km while Peugeot technician came to swap to Delkor battery in front of my house during a public holiday. I felt so proud because I selected Peugeot. See, they come to my house to swap a new battery even public holiday. A-Class service.

Q4, 2013 - First alert message came out, Coolant level low, Top Up! WOW, see, got alert messages! (I was not aware this type of messages are so scary while it happens very frequently) Yeah, Peugeot is checking liquid levels under the hood, and advise me according. Visited to Puchong service centre and unhappy stories started. 
- Required to change water pump due to leaking (under Recall campaign)
- Replace thermostat since it is under Recall campaign as well.
They wanted me to leave my car for at least one day so they can do it. Of course I cannot leave it there because I have no alternative transport. No courtesy cars because all taken by other drivers. So I contacted Careline, bargain with service centre, until they agreed to do it in one day. 

Q1, 2014 - Wired noise from disc brake while I stepped on it. Visited to Puchong service centre and thought to replace brake pads. They confirmed the brake disc scratched and must replace it as well. What? Disc scratched? It was less than one year! A "continental" car has such weak brake disc? Well, pay RM 900 to buy new set of brake discs, and another RM 500 for the front brake pads. 

After one month of sweet driving, something not good. Whenever my speed is more than 100kmh, my steering wheel vibrate like crazy while i step on brake. First I am not doing and E-brake, soft and gentle step to slow down the car only. How crazy the vibration? Imagine the steel waist watch on my left hand is shaking. Visited to Puchong service center to check, but they claimed nothing was wrong. Until I brought one of them to ride with me to experience it. The technician told me, Henry, stop slowly and let's back to the centre. I saw it and understand it, no need to demonstrate more (well, he was scare at the moment). 

This is time, I received a very bad condition 207 as courtesy car for 1 week. This is the only they have, so I got to take it. Then they provided me another 408T for 3 weeks. My car left in there for one month. When I received it back, they told me, they swap 3 pairs of brake pads, and only the 3rd pairs worked perfectly. What could I comment? The quality of spare parts? Or the workmanship? Well, I just want my car back. 

Q2, 2014 - Scary warning message "Engine fault. Send to Repair" came out before car start during a Sunday morning. Well, dare enough to start it up. Black smoke came out from exhaust and very loud engine noise. Car was jerky and I planned to get the tow truck to Seremban Service Centre (BTW I am from Seremban and back to home town during weekends). "What was wrong" I asked service advisor, "Yes, it was the high pressure fuel pump and it is under warranty. But you got to leave the car for TWO days, no courtesy car from us". OK I took a car from my father-in-law and back to Puchong. A call from service centre on Tuesday evening to tell me to pick up my car tomorrow. However I only collected my car during Wednesday evening because the "new high pressure fuel pump" did not give "good reading" and technician got to swap with another one. Yeah, the 3rd unit does the job. Why new part cannot perform perfectly? Again, well, I just want my car back. 

Q3, 2014 - Remembered the battery replaced Q3, 2013? It dead right after 12-months. Well, I pay to install a Panasonic, where people said it is so strong. I am here to tell you, it is not, it dead after 9 months. 

Normal services and replace wear-and-tear items. Again one new battery (the previous Panasonic dead after 9 months) around September. And this time I installed GP Power. What for to care about its brand since no battery can last longer than 12-months. BTW the GP power still working until now.

While during each service interval, the Puchong centre replaced everything mentioned under the Recall list. I could not remember all. 

Q2, 2016 - High pressure fuel pump failure again, but this time was lucky, the error message was on-and-off, I still can drove it. Yes again. Puchong service centre was under renovation so I visited to Balakong centre. And here begin the blood-vomit story to this centre. 

Called to book and I went to centre before 9:30am. Registered and car brought into service bay. Guess what? They required me to left my car for TWO days to repair it. I disagreed and leave centre. Contacted Careline and bargained again. Well, got to leave it for TWO days, and I paid to rent MyVi (RM106 per day). But 2 days passed and no word from both Balakong centre and I called them whole day, nobody picked up my calls. OMG, what happen? I reported to Careline and careline said, they cannot contact that centre as well. WHAT A JOKE? Until the 4th day, a call back from them and notified me to collect my car tomorrow (the 5th day). Well, I pay total of RM 530 for to rent a car, just to wait them to spend 5 days to replace a high pressure fuel pump. And they even bother about your complaint and your calls, just don't pick up and let you wait. The moment I collected my car, the service advisor did not want to talk to me, the receptionist just asked me to sign documents and passed the key to me. Am I deserve for this kind of service? 

Q4, 2016 - Even bloody painful story start here. I did my 10th free service (the last free service) in Geot Auto, PJ. Complained about the rattling noise during morning engine cold start. Yeah, I knew it was due to the timing chain and pre-tensioner, and these are under Recall program as well. Well, they can do it for me, but need FIVE DAYS, again no courtesy cars (all taken by other drivers). So again, rent a car for 7 days (because cross weekends), paid RM 650 (the boss offered me discount since he knew my sad story, thanks to him). 

Before the replacement of timing chain and pre-tensioner, service advisor informed me, there was serious carbon build-up inside engine, and RM 2015 to fix it. WHAT! Why cardon build up? Sales man told me no more carbon build up because Peugeot improved (before I signed the document). And I followed instruction from service advisors after the replacement of 1st high pressure fuel pump, use only RON 97. Finally I got to pay for it because it void my extended warranty if I don't do it. 

So RM 650 + RM 2015 to bring back my car after one week. 

Then I spotted drop of coolant level, poured in the original coolant (1L) to top up. The 1L finished within one month!. Seems like something to do with the water pump again. Brought to Geot Auto PJ to check and confirmed it was the water chamber. You sure thought I can claim warranty, right? No, you are wrong because extended warranty does not cover any leaking. The bill is RM 1600 to replace the fix the problem, and spend one day to wait in the centre. Still acceptable because no need to leave car for one day. 

Swap my credit card for RM 1600 and leave Geot Auto. 

After few days, the air-con started to blow hot air. I got to on-off the air con system up to 20 times while I am driving, then it became normal. I knew it was the air con compressor and it is under extended warranty. Visited to Geot Auto, PJ to claim it. "WHAT? I better got to Glemerie HQ to do it? If do in Geot Auto, I got to wait long time if I want Geot Auto to do it?", I shouted to the advisor. Well, same old technique, Careline and bargained again. Finally Geot Auto checked my air con compressor, snap photo and proceed to claim. Story did not end here. It took 7 working days to process document. And just now (10:30am, 6/12/2016) Geot Auto called me, insurance adjuster must check my car before claim can process. So? I got to pay them a visit again. And after the adjuster confirms, I got to wait few days again to get the work done. 

You think no payment required? No you are wrong. Let me tell you about extended warranty claim on air-con compressor. Yes the compressor is free, but you got to pay RM 900 for the condenser. You must pay because the procedure is to replace both compressor and condenser, whereby the condenser is not under warranty. See how they do business?

So I am going to prepare at least RM 900 (before GST) for this claim. 

Oh ya, I yet to talk about the engine oil top up story, I discuss at this point because it was confirmed by Geot Auto as well. Since my 9th service did in Balakong centre, they used Mobile One engine oil. However I got the error message, Engine Oil Minimum Level, Top Up! I bought Petronas Synthium 0w40 (RM 290) to pour in and 3L gone. WOW, 3L engine oil consumed after 7000km travelled? Unbelievable but it happened. During my 10th service with Geot Auto, I want to use Petrons or Total, but they must use Mobile One since my car was still under the free service. Again a 5L pack of Mobile One engine oil poured into the engine. This time I bought 4 x 1L pack of this engine oil from them (total cost RM 250 for 4x1L pack). Why? I know I got to top up again. 

Yes I am correct. Every 1000km travelled, I got to top up around 400 mL of engine oil (that is why I bought the 1L pack, easy to handle). Well, I already travel 8000km since the previous service, there is now 600 mL left (the last bottle with 600 mL of engine oil). Simple math
4 x 1000 ml (1L pack) = 4000 ml
4000 ml - 600 ml = 3400 ml
3400 ml / 8000 km = Loss 450 ml per 1000 km

Why 450 ml loss every 1000 km? The gasket is torn out. And I complained since during my 8th service with Puchong centre, 9th service with Balakong centre and 10th service with Geot Auto. Even Geot Auto was doing the de-carbon work for my car but they ignore this.
Why none of the service advisor take my words? None of the technician care about this? II is so obvious! And now Geot Auto said, this gasket torn out and result in serious engine oil consumption. BUT, any leaking is not cover under extended warranty. My 3 years warranty ended by 27/5/2016, however I already complained before this date, and nobody is taking this into consideration. End up, I got to prepare few hundred to fix this. 

Again got to spare at least RM 1000 to fix this. 

Now did you ever notice there is a wired noise while you off your engine (not the fan noise)? It is like releasing its tension. Watch it at Wired engine noise

Again checked with Geot Auto, they are uncertain what is the problem, but something is releasing the tension. Why they do not know? Because diagnostic tool yet to display any error code, so they do not know. WHAT?!!! But they conclude if that is the bearing or tensioner, again at least RM 900 (before GST) to fix it. 

Again got to spare at least RM 1000 to fix this.

Up to this point, how much I got to spare up?
RM 900 (air condenser, before GST)
RM 1000 (gasket, before GST)
RM 1000 (bearing or tensioner, before GST)
Better spare RM 3500 to get ready. 

Oh ya, forget to include the car rental. To conduct such big repair, I believe they will tell me at least one week. So 7 days x RM 106/day = RM 742 to rent a Myvi for 7 days. 

So better make it RM 5000 on hand before I take any move.

I have no idea what is the next repair, nor the cost, but for sure, it will happen again and again. 

Complaint to Careline? Not really useful because customer service officer can only reply an email to you with "sweet words, but uncertain answer, nor any promise". For example "we are looking into your case closely...", "we will check the relevant service centre to escalate your case...", "we will back to you in timely manner..." and etc. Does this help? I do not believe a sweet reply with nice grammar cannot give any confident to me. 

Work with Service Centre? I got to put myself down to the ground, talk very gently to them even I am very angry. First, sometimes it is not the centre nor the advisor/technician, they wish to help but too many cases are pending (lots of owner are waiting) and they have no idea with the problem, some even required instruction/approval from the engineers from Glemeria HQ or France. 

My passion to Peugeot 408 Turbo was weaken by all of these and I should said I am upset with it. But what else I can do?
Option 1: Sell or trade in it to get another car
I have RM 65k to pay off, while my car is only worth less than RM 40k. So I got to pay up bank with RM 25k to settle it. Then I got to pay again to buy another car. 

Option 2: Keep going with it. And this means I got pray hard so the car behave properly. In the other hand, I got to ready with cash or credit card, to pay off any incoming bills. And have a good relation with car rental company so I can get discount to rent car while my Peugeot lays in the centre. 

I got to ake Option 2 by this moment, because I have no extra money to pay off the bank loan. 

My advise to you, especially you are looking into Peugeot cars, do ask yourself, do you have all the followings? Think twice if any one of the following is not with you. 
1st element - EASY/EXTRA MONEY
2nd element - FREE/LEISURE TIME
4th element - SPARE CAR

And before end, my sincere apology to Peugeot/Nasim. I should not buy it from you because I do not have any of the above mentioned elements. And it is my fault to believe into your advertisement, sales talk and FB stories. I was stupid to believe into what I saw and read. 

Updated on 9/12/2016 >> Finally catch up with Mrs Sharifah (the manager of Careline from Glenmarie Service Center) and Careline is helping me to iron out the problems. 

To continue reading >> Click Updated Story.