Before start to read the coming story, you are welcome to refer to the previous chapters by the web links below (If you yet to know them):
3.5 years with Peugeot 408 Turbo - The Car, Maintenance and Service Quality
Responses from The Management and Careline to my Peugeot 408 Turbo's cases
Well, I got my car back on 10/12/2016, 10:30 am with air con compressor (under extended warranty) and condenser (Nasim offers this as free) replaced. Of course I was happy not only because of the free condenser, but I saw improvement on the service quality.
(I really thought it is until today.Why? Let's me tell you.)
Saturday, 10/12/2016: Mr Hazizul returned the car to me and told me, they will discuss internally and will arrange a courtesy car for me again. Because they want to check on my engine issues, which are
a. Motor oil leaking
b. Wired noise everytime I shut down engine
Well, I was fine with that and went home.
Wednesday, 14/12/2016: Mr Hazizul called to inform they cannot arrange the courtesy car because that was a short week. Well, I can understand there were only 3 working days (14, 15 and 16/12) in that week, so I do not mind to wait until another week.
Monday, 19/12/2016: I started to send email to Careline to ask and a few replies from Careline, all with the same reply "no courtesy car by this moment". What? Shall I believe in this? Yeah, believe or not, that is the reply.
Friday, 23/12/2016: Mr Hazizul called me to inform they still cannot get the courtesy car. So got to check again by next week. Well, I got to cross my finger and pray hard for it.
Well, my next maintenance service (110,000km) is on next Thursday, I already booked it at Geot Auto PJ. No matter how, I got to send it as scheduled. But I am sure I need to buy 1L or 2L motor oil as backup. The engine lossed 450mL motor oil every 1000 km.
I really no idea why a 3.5 years old car have this problem. I never poured in a drop of motor oil into my Vios for every 10,000 km travelled (bought as new since 2009 and sold it during 2013 before 408 Turbo). But I started to do this to my 408 Turbo after the 80,000 km service (less than 3 years). How severe is the leaking? You can refer to my older blog mentioned in the first paragraph, or here are some recent photo:
And the very annoying noise when engine is shutting down. Click the video below to see. Do advise me if you know the reason.
Peugeot 408T - Annoying noise when engine is shutting down
Why is it so difficult to arrange a courtesy car? Let me guess. hmm....I guess it was due to the Ratio of Courtesy cars versus Complaints. Service Centre always confident with their engineers and believe they can fix all incoming cars within the same day, without getting customers to leave their cars at centres. So they are not prepare "many" courtesy cars.
From my experience, as long as I made a complaint and require to repair, I always heard this from the service advsior "Sir, you got to leave your car one or two days, so we can check." See, "check" takes "one or two days", but yet to "repair". So most of times, I got to bargain with them until
1 - I left car to them on morning to check and I pick it up by evening, then tomorrow morning I come again. Repeat until they solve the problem.
2 - Received the courtesy car, but I only got it 3 times within 3.5 years. Am I lucky enough? I guess I am because many owners never get courtesy cars.
3 - I spent to rent a car and leave my car to them. Well this is the most common outcome, as you can find in my previous blog. I am expert to rent a car. Even the car renting company give me offer...Hey, shall I proud of this? A Peugeot owner rent a MyVi? Why? Because my Peugeot broke down...
Back to the topic. And now suddenly there are lots of complaints and all centres gave all courtesy cars that they have to customers. But what is the "sudden issues", which causes courtesy cars "suddenly run out of stock"? God knows.
Looking into the phenomenon of courtesy cars, if Nasim/Service Centre really plans the quantities well, but still insufficient, then could be another reason. The quantities of complaints are more than they predicted and some re-visit work got to be done.
I can understand getting more courtesy cars ready means higher cost. But if the repair/fixes can be done within the same day, I believe most of the owners do not want the courtesy cars. Is there alternatives? I would suggest:
1 - Used or older models of Peugeot cars. We all know the price to get a used Peugeot is not high, especially those old models like 206, 207. Buy and make the old Peugeot works then use it as courtesy cars.
2 - Liaises with car rental company to get better rate. I paid RM 106 (RM 6 as GST) per day to rent a MyVi 1300 cc. Why don't Nasim/Service Center contacted the nearby companies and deal with them, so they can send over the car to SC to the customers? And customer can pay lower price for the same car. When the car is done, customer can drive the rent car to SC and that company can pick it up from center, or even arrange for the next customers.
These are only my 2 cents opinion. No matter how, I got to wait until next week.
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